Stacy S. Lee

New York
Tel: +1 212 909 6099
Stacy S. Lee is a corporate associate and a member of the Finance Group. Ms. Lee joined Debevoise in 2021.  Ms. Lee received a J.D. from Columbia ... Read Full Biography


  • Private Equity Report: 2023 Outlook
    January 2023
    Catherine Amirfar
    Christopher Anthony
    Katherine Ashton
    Jason Auerbach
    Dominic Blaxill
    Ezra Borut
    Kara Brockmeyer
    Geoffrey P. Burgess
    Lawrence K. Cagney
    Andrew J. Ceresney
    Jennifer L. Chu
    Alexander R. Cochran
    Eric Dinallo
    Christopher Dortschy
    E. Drew Dutton
    Jane Engelhardt
    Jyotin Hamid
    Ted Hassi
    Morgan J. Hayes
    Gareth Hughes
    Peter J. Irwin
    Mark Johnson
    Eric T. Juergens
    Rafael Kariyev
    Meir D. Katz
    Satish M. Kini
    M. Natasha Labovitz
    Henry Lebowitz
    Maurizio Levi-Minzi
    Andrew M. Levine
    Sidney P. Levinson
    Jonathan F. Lewis
    Marilyn A. Lion
    Timothy McIver
    John (Jay) Neukom
    Benjamin R. Pedersen
    Marc Ponchione
    Nicholas F. Potter
    Ryan T. Rafferty
    Julie M. Riewe
    Samantha J. Rowe
    Paul D. Rubin
    Scott B. Selinger
    Jane Shvets
    Steven J. Slutzky
    Patricia Volhard
    Erica S. Weisgerber
    Barbara N. Barath
    Alison E. Buckley-Serfass
    Zhiyan Cao
    Robert T. Dura
    Robert M. Fettman
    Caroline P. Geiger
    Andrew J. Gershon
    Jin-Hyuk Jang
    Stuart Hammer
    Kim T. Le
    Michael P. McGuigan
    Sheena Paul
    Tricia Bozyk Sherno
    Jennifer Wheater
    John Young
    Jeffrey P. Cunard
    Ulysses Smith
    Jennifer R. Cestaro
    Paul Eastham
    Isabel Espinosa de los Reyes
    Jay E. Evans
    Christopher Gossage
    Yiran Ji
    Samuel D. Krawiecz
    Chaim Lapp
    Stacy S. Lee
    Lucy Litt
    Emily MacKay
    Ezra Newman
    Melissa Runsten
    Sergio Torres
    George Tan
    Tiffany Wu
    Emma Macfarlane
    Sarah Min
    Matthew Stromecki
    Massy Vainshtein

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