Paul R. Berger is a retired partner. He had been a litigation partner in the Washington, D.C. office, where he focused his practice on securities litigation, ...
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- Numerous global asset managers and private equity concerns in the creation of anti-corruption compliance programs and regular due diligence.
- A Fortune 100 company in civil and criminal investigations regarding possible FCPA violations, resulting in both the DOJ and SEC closing their investigations without bringing any charges or seeking any penalties.
- A global retail company in an FCPA investigation.
- A large U.S. insurance company in regular advice on FCPA compliance relating to its expanding overseas operations.
- A U.S.-based global pharmaceutical company in FCPA investigations and compliance advice.
- A global investment and technology company in regular FCPA advice, compliance counsel and due diligence.
- A Fortune 300 global supply and engineering company in FCPA investigations and compliance advice.
- A global banking institution in FCPA investigations.
- Antioch School of Law, 1982, J.D.
- American University, 1972, B.A.