Natalie Reid is a partner in the firm’s International Dispute Resolution Group, co-chair of the firm’s Public International Law Group, and ...
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- An emerging markets investment manager in a Specific Instance grievance process administered by a National Contact Point for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
- Global biopharmaceutical company in a contractual dispute with a commercial counterparty in a major Asian market.
- Tethyan Copper Company, a joint venture of Antofagasta Minerals and Barrick Gold, in its US$6 billion arbitration win against the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which is the second-largest ICSID award ever rendered.
- VEON (formerly VimpelCom) in an LCIA arbitration of a contractual dispute arising out of the purchase of assets in multiple jurisdictions, winning a complete victory on indemnification claims of over €139 million, defeating counterclaims of over €84 million, and obtaining a substantial costs award.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) in asserting its privileges and immunities in connection with a putative class action filed against it in U.S. court, alleging claims based on WHO’s response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
- The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights as amicus curiae before the U.S. Supreme Court in Boumediene v. Bush and Al Odah v. United States, arguing that the continued detention of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and the procedures of the military tribunals established to try those prisoners breached the international treaty obligations of the United States.
- A leading telecommunications and digital media company in an LCIA arbitration of a contractual dispute arising out of the purchase of assets in multiple jurisdictions, winning a complete victory on indemnification claims of over €139 million, defeating counterclaims of over €84 million, and obtaining a substantial costs award.
- The Government of Grenada in an ICSID arbitration arising out of reforms to the electricity sector.
- Claimant MAKAE Europe SARL in a billion-dollar claim against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- The United Nations in Brzak v. United Nations, successfully asserting its rights under the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and corresponding U.S. law; obtaining dismissal of suit filed in the Southern District of New York against the Organization and several employees; successfully defending the appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; and successfully opposing the petition for certiorari to the United States Supreme Court.
- Chemical Weapons Convention Negotiators and Experts as amici curiae in Bond v. United States, arguing that the individual criminal acts of the petitioner fell within the expansive scope of conduct prohibited by the Convention and the federal statute implementing the Convention in the United States.
- An international organization in an arbitration brought by a private party under a Headquarters Agreement with a host state.
- A public international organization in confidential international arbitration, under UNCITRAL Rules, in successful non-monetary settlement of claims brought by unsuccessful vendor-applicant in procurement process.
- A nongovernmental organization regarding cooperation requests from the International Criminal Court and public authorities and private parties in various jurisdictions.
- A nongovernmental organization in drafting a communication to the International Criminal Court setting out the legal and factual basis to investigate gender-based atrocities committed by foreign terrorist ISIS fighters in Iraq.
- A United Nations expert before the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concerning his detention while an expert on mission.
- The Committee to Protect Journalists as amicus curiae before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon regarding an issue of freedom of speech.
- An international mining company in an advisory matter concerning the company’s treaty rights in response to potential changes to legislation and regulations of a Latin American state.
- An international mining company in an advisory matter concerning the company’s treaty and contract rights in response to adverse government action in an African State.
- A global retailer in an advisory matter concerning potential exposure and risk mitigation in light of allegations of forced labor raised in litigation against other entities in the United States.
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation in arbitration and litigation of dispute concerning breach of an insurance claim settlement agreement.
- Macau-based Sanum Investments and Netherlands-based Lao Holdings, NV in bilateral investment treaty arbitration claims against the Government of Laos.
- Alternative asset managers in arbitration of a dispute arising out of partnership and employment agreements.
- Prudential Financial and certain present and former officers and directors, in securities class action and derivative lawsuits arising from the company's practices with regard to unclaimed life insurance benefits.
- Phoenix Life Insurance Company and The Phoenix Companies, Inc. in a putative class action in the District of New Jersey relating to reductions of policyholder dividend scales.
- Harvard Law School, 2003, J.D.
- Brown University, 1999, A.B.