David O’Neil is Co-Chair of the White Collar & Regulatory Defense Group and a partner in the Washington, D.C. office.
Consistently recognized as one of the Nation’s top litigators and white collar defense attorneys, Mr. O’Neil represents companies and individuals in their highest stakes matters. His practice focuses on controversies that not only pose legal risk but also threaten political and reputational harm. He has represented the largest multinational companies and financial institutions, as well as CEOs, Board Chairs, world leaders, multiple cabinet secretaries, congressional committees and elected officials. A former leader of the Criminal Division at the Department of Justice, Mr. O’Neil has tried numerous cases to verdict in federal court and argued five cases in the Supreme Court.
Numerous publications have recognized Mr. O’Neil’s litigation achievements. In 2024, he was named a finalist for The National Law Journal’s Attorney of the year and shortlisted for Global Investigations Review’s Investigations Professional of the Year. The American Lawyer has named him a “Litigator of the Year” finalist and featured him as a “Litigator of the Week” for a victory that The Washington Post hailed as “a win for democracy.” The National Law Journal recognized Mr. O’Neil twice as a Litigation Trailblazer, and Law360 named him as one of eight “White Collar MVPs” nationwide. In the most recent Chambers guides, clients describe him as “brilliant, knowledgeable and very efficient in his work” and “a go-to person for a high-stakes issue.” He is also said to be the “rare and valued combination of brilliant lawyer, fearless strategist and exceptional leader.” Mr. O’Neil is also recommended by The Legal 500 US (2024) for Corporate Investigations and White Collar Criminal Defense and International Litigation.
Prior to joining Debevoise in January 2015, Mr. O’Neil served for eight years in prominent positions within the Department of Justice. In early 2014, the President and Attorney General designated Mr. O’Neil to lead the Criminal Division, where he was responsible for supervising more than 600 attorneys investigating and prosecuting the full range of federal crimes, including corporate malfeasance, cybercrime, fraud offenses and money laundering. Mr. O'Neil also served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Fraud Section. In that capacity, he supervised more than 100 prosecutors engaged in nationwide enforcement of the FCPA, healthcare fraud and securities and financial fraud.
Before moving to the Criminal Division, Mr. O’Neil served for three years as Senior Associate Deputy Attorney General and Chief of Staff to the Deputy Attorney General, the Department's second-in-command. In that role, he was part of DOJ’s core management team, with direct supervisory responsibility for more than two dozen attorneys. He was also an Assistant to the Solicitor General, authoring more than 50 briefs filed with the Supreme Court and handling appeals from high-profile white-collar criminal convictions.
Mr. O’Neil began his career at DOJ as a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. As an Assistant U.S. Attorney, he tried numerous cases to successful jury verdicts and defended those verdicts on appeal.
Mr. O’Neil earned his J.D. magna cum laude in 2000 from Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. magna cum laude in 1995.
Upon graduation from law school, he clerked for two years, first for Judge Robert D. Sack of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and then for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
David A. O’Neil 律师是诉讼业务合伙人,以及本所白领犯罪和合规辩护部门成员。他受到《美国钱伯斯》(2022年)和《美国法律500强》(2022年)的推荐,被评为“白领犯罪和政府调查”以及“国际诉讼”领域的杰出律师。O’Neil律师的执业领域主要为白领犯罪辩护、内部调查、反腐败与FCPA辩护以及国会调查。他在2018和2020年均被《国家法律期刊》(National Law Journal)评为“诉讼领域之先驱”,在2018年被《法律360》评为“白领犯罪领域最具价值律师”。客户在《美国钱伯斯》(2022年)中称赞O’Neil律师一位“具有经验和技术知识的非凡律师”,是“才华横溢的律师、无畏的战略家和杰出的领导者的罕见而有价值的结合。”,并表示他“主动”,“务实”,“反应迅速,思维敏捷。”O’Neil律师还获得《拉美法律500强》(2022年)在合规与调查领域的推荐。
从法学院毕业后,他曾在两年期间担任美国联邦第二巡回法院上诉法院Robert D. Sack法官书记员,后曾担任美国最高法院Ruth Bader Ginsburg法官的书记员。