The Asia-Pacific Arbitration Review 2025: Investment Treaty Arbitration

24 May 2024
The Asia-Pacific Arbitration Review 2025

As part of The Asia-Pacific Arbitration Review 2025, published by Global Arbitration Review, our team has contributed a chapter focusing on investment treaty arbitration in the Asia-Pacific region.

The chapter surveys all publicly available investment treaty claims that have been pursued against Asia-Pacific states. In so doing, the chapter identifies the nationality of Asia-Pacific investors that have pursued claims, the industries concerned, the states targeted, the treaties utilised, the impugned state actions and the outcomes of claims. As is illustrated, a diverse range of Asia-Pacific investors have now pursued investment treaty claims against states worldwide across a variety of industries. Despite the increased use of investment treaty arbitration by Asia-Pacific investors, a disproportionately low number of investment claims have been brought, with almost half of cases targeted against Asia-Pacific states.

To access the chapter, click here.