Brexit: CSSF Extends Its Deadline for Mandatory Notifications for UK Managers and UK MiFID Firms

13 November 2019
By Simon Witney (special counsel), Clarisse Hannotin (associate), and Andrew Burnett (trainee)

Following the latest Brexit extension, the Luxembourg regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the “CSSF”), has issued a further communiqué to confirm the new deadline for UK firms that wish to benefit from a 12 month transitional period. The new date is 15 January 2020.

UK MiFID firms and UK fund managers providing their services under the passport and wishing to benefit from a 12 month transitional regime in the event of a hard Brexit will need to take action. As we have reported before, a mandatory notification is also required from UK managers of alternative investment funds (AIFs) established in Luxembourg wishing to remain as a third-country manager of those AIFs after a hard Brexit.

A notification is not required for UK MiFID firms providing portfolio management services in Luxembourg under a delegation arrangement provided for under Article 20 (1) of the AIFMD.

These announcements have no impact on other non-EU managers (such as US managers) managing Luxembourg structures.